A Letter From Me to You

Hello there I am William Osborne a young sports multimedia journalist studying at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I am in my fourth semester here at Cronkite after taking a few years at community college prior. My passion and desire to be a part of sports has led me to this school and its prestigious program. Journalism was something that I latched onto when I worked with Newspaper for my high school. I wrote stories and made podcasts during my time in the high school paper. I found out about Cronkite when I was in my junior year of high school with a college visit that came into town during the year. The recruiter who came to my high school told me about the program here in Arizona and how they had their own news station and many connections the school has with the many professional teams that play in Arizona. Being here in Arizona has led me to meeting new interesting people and covering stories I wouldn’t have the chance to if I was still living at home. I am from Woodland Hills, California, a part of the valley within Los Angeles. My ties to Los Angeles will always be with me as I progress in my journey in Sports Journalism.

As I have worked more and more within the Journalism field I have learned many different positives and negative parts that come with the profession. I have personally found the ability to be able to learn and share stories from the community around me to be something that is gratifying to me. My experiences writing stories that are important and are interesting for people to read has become a major motivator for me. Things that worry me and feel like a negative cloud floating over me is the fear of job growth being limited within this industry. I find the direction the job market has been going for new journalists to be something that scares me for my future. These fears are mostly broad but are a shared issue for many journalists in these current times. I hope to share more about myself as the semester progresses here within this course.